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Organize job folders and supplied files

  1. For information about what you will be doing in this activity:
    1. In the Prinergy Evo Workflow System Administration Guide for your version of Prinergy Evo Workflow software, read Suggested Job folder organization using relative paths.
    2. In the Prinergy Evo Workflow Client user guide for your version of Prinergy Evo Workflow software, read Tell me more about using relative file paths.
    3. In the Prinergy Evo Getting Started Guide for your version of Prinergy Evo Workflow software, watch the Flash-based online demonstration titled Using input relative output paths.
  2. Create a new job folder on the shared JobData file server volume.
    If you are working in a production environment, use a naming convention that makes sense in your workflow. If you are working in a training environment, name your job something similar to this: JobData\YourInitials_0029
  3. Create sub-folders within your job folder to organize the files  in your Activity 25\Customer Supplied folder. Assign folder names that will suit the files supplied with most of your job types. Creating standard folder names can help you automate your Prinergy Evo workflow. For this activity, you have been supplied the following file types:
    • Images
    • Application source files
    • PostScript files created from the application source files
    • High-resolution images
  4. Move your Activity 25\Customer Supplied files into the new folders.

Configure a Refine Process Template to Use Relative File Paths

  1. Read Prinergy Evo Workflow Client user guide: Tell Me More About Using Relative File Paths. 
    In the next steps, you will use this information to create a process template that uses relative paths to search for images and to output refined PDF files.
  2. Open a refine to PDF process template and save it with a new name—for example, YourInitials_RefineOPI.
  3. In the new YourInitials_RefineOPI process template, in the Processed File Preferences section, type a relative path that will: 
    1. In each JobData\[jobname] folder, create a new folder named Refined PDF Masters
    2. Send processed PDF files to the new Refined PDF Masters folder. 
  4. In the new YourInitials_RefineOPI process template, in the Normalize section, Search Path Order (from top to bottom) box, type a relative file path that will: 
    1. Search for high-resolution images in a folder that has the same name in each job that uses this process template. 
    2. Correctly locate the high-resolution images for your JobData\YourInitials_0029 job.
  5. Save the YourInitials_RefineOPI process template.
  6. Add this process template to a template palette.
  7. Submit the supplied PostScript input files to the new process template.
  8. Track the process in Process Viewer.
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