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Configure an Output Hot Folder

Locate an existing hot folder that is associated with a process template that will output preview files, or configure a new output hot folder. You configured a hot folder like this in Activity 2.

Modify a Refine Process Template to Send Processed Files to the Output Hot Folder

  1. Using the Prinergy Evo Process Template Editor, open the Refine to PDF - Factory process template found in the Process Templates > Factory Templates > Refine to PDF group.
  2. Expand the File Delivery section of the process template. In the Send Processed Files to field, browse to your Output Virtual Proofing System hot folder.
  3. Save the process template with a new name: (for example) Refine for AutoProof
    Files that have completed processing using this Refine process template will be automatically sent to the output hot folder for proofing.

Create a Refine and Proof Hot Folder

  1. Create a new hot folder. 
  2. In the New Hot Folder dialog box, select the Refine and Auto Proof process template created in the previous procedure.
  3. Type a name for your new hot folder. Use a name you will recognize. For example: Refine for AutoProof.

Submit an Input file for Automatic Refine and Proof

  1. Locate an input file to test your new automatic workflow. In the Activity 10 folder, find Type
  2. Drag the input file into the new Refine for AutoProof hot folder. The system will automatically refine and then output preview files.
  3. Open the Process Viewer. View the status of the refine and output processes.
  4. When the output process is complete, return to the shared HotFolders volume to view the preview files in the Refine for AutoProof\Output folder.
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