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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space EVO and version 8.2
Sv translation
  1. Create curves for plate output using either the ColorFlow or Harmony software.
    • See the Prinergy Evo Installation Guide for information about installing Harmony software and the Harmony User Guide for information about creating calibration curves with Harmony software.
    • See the ColorFlow documentation for information about creating curves with ColorFlow software.
  2. Create an Output process template.
  3. In the Calibration & Screening section, make one of these choices:
To apply the current ColorFlow behavior,


enable the ColorFlow


pane in the output process


  • Curves are selected according to screening-related parameters within the process template, such as: color setup, device, device condition, and so on.
  • Except for Minimum Dot Size, all curve controls in the Calibration and Screening panel are disabled.
  • The Minimum Dot Size control is active and takes effect for the curves selected by ColorFlow Color Relationship Management (CRM).
To select a Harmony curve, clear the ColorFlow


pane check box and


configure your desired Harmony settings in the Calibration


and Screening panel.
  • The available Harmony curves and %%NONE%% are listed for selection in the Plate Curve and Print Curve menus.
     Prinergy Evo reads the list of calibration curves from the Harmony database installed on the Prinergy Evo server computer.
  • The Harmony Medium and Minimum Dot Size controls are active unless you have selected %%NONE%% for both Plate Curves and Print Curves, in which case the Minimum Dot Size value is zero and the control is inactive.
  • Harmony curve settings are applied to the job per current behavior.


Sv translation
  1. Assurez-vous que le logiciel Harmony est installé. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le Guide d'installation de Prinergy Evo.
  2. Dans le logiciel Harmony, créez les courbes de calibrage sur le périphérique connecté. Pour plus d'informations sur l'utilisation du logiciel Harmony, consultez le Manuel de l'utilisateur Harmony.
  3. Creating process templates.
  4. Dans la zone Harmony de la section Calibrage et tramage, sélectionnez la courbe de calibrage optimale. Prinergy Evo lit la liste des courbes de calibrage dans la base de données Harmony installée sur l'ordinateur Prinergy Evo Server.
Sv translation
  1. 确保安装了 Harmony 软件。有关详细信息,请参见印能捷演化版安装指南。
  2. 使用 Harmony 软件创建关于附加设备的校准曲线。有关使用 Harmony 软件的详细信息,请参见 Harmony 用户指南。
  3. Creating process templates
  4. 校准和加网部分的 Harmony 列表中,选择最佳校准曲线。印能捷演化版会从安装在印能捷演化版服务器计算机上的 Harmony 数据库中读取校准曲线列表。
Sv translation
  1. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Harmony-Software installiert ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Prinergy Evo-Installationshandbuch.
  2. Erstellen Sie mit der Harmony-Software Kalibrierungskurven auf dem zugeordneten Gerät. Weitere Informationen zum Arbeiten mit der Harmony-Software finden Sie im Harmony-Benutzerhandbuch.
  3. Creating process templates.
  4. Wählen Sie im Bereich Kalibrierung & Raster in der Liste Harmony die optimale Kalibrierungskurve aus. Prinergy Evo liest die Liste der Kalibrierungskurven aus der Harmony-Datenbank, die auf dem Prinergy Evo-Servercomputer installiert ist.
Sv translation
  1. Assicurarsi che il software Harmony sia installato. Per ulteriori informazioni, consultare la Guida all'installazione di Prinergy Evo.
  2. Utilizzando il software Harmony, creare curve di calibrazione sul dispositivo collegato. Per ulteriori informazioni sull'utilizzo del software Harmony, consultare la Guida per l'utente di Harmony.
  3.  Creating process templates.
  4. Nell'elenco Harmony della sezione Calibrazione e retinatura selezionare la curva di calibrazione ottimale. Prinergy Evo legge l'elenco delle curve di calibrazione dal database Harmony installato sul server Prinergy Evo.
Sv translation
  1. Compruebe que el software de Harmony está instalado. Consulte la Guía de instalación de Prinergy Evo para obtener información adicional.
  2. Con el software de Harmony, cree curvas de calibrado en el dispositivo asociado. Consulte la Guía de usuario de Harmony para más información sobre el empleo del software de Harmony.
  3. Creating process templates.
  4. En la sección Calibrado y trama, lista Harmony, seleccione la curva de calibrado óptima. Prinergy Evo lee la lista de curvas de calibrado de la base de datos de Harmony instalada en el equipo servidor Prinergy Evo


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