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In this section you will learn how to use the PRINERGY Portal: Ink Analytics Service: Ink Estimator: Per Imposition

The Per Surface Estimation feature allows you to estimate and compare different scenarios by changing Print Conditions to model different substrates or inks and compare results.

How to Use Ink Analytics: Per Surface Estimator:

In order to use Per Surface Estimation, you must first output Loose Page VPS or TIFF proofs in PRINERGY.

  • In PRINERGY Portal: Ink Analytics: Ink Estimator, select the Per Surface Estimation tab.
  • From the Jobs pane:
    1. Find the source PRINERGY Server
    2. You can use the From: / To: fields to narrow a date range
    3. Select one or more jobs
  • From the Signatures pane:
    1. Select the Signatures you want to estimate.
    2. If required, select Signatures from multiple jobs
  • Complete the following:
    1. Print Condition - this will determine the Press, Ink, Substrate and more.
    2. Number of Copies - total expected or sellable product
    3. Make-ready Waste - amount of substrate needed to ensure that the Press is "up to color"
    4. Product Type - (optional) Defining this field could be useful in future historical comparisons based on product types or categories
    5. Press Due Date
  • Click Estimate

Example: Ink Estimator showing the Per Surface Estimation specifications panel

Ink Estimator showing Per Surface Estimation results.

  • To save the estimate, click Approve and the estimate is stored and can be viewed later in Ink Usage (Imposition) reports.
  • To Re-estimate with a different Print Condition or quantities, press Re-Estimate to return to the Estimate specifications panel.

NOTE: Imposed ink estimations can be created in two different ways:

  1. Ink Usage estimates for Impositions are created automatically and stored under Ink Usage Dashboard (Imposition). Select the Enable Auto Estimation checkbox in the Per Surface Estimation panel and enter a Print Condition, number of copies in Prinergy Workshop, and run imposed VPS or TIFF output.
  2. Ink Usage estimates for Impositions are stored in the Ink Usage (Imposition) dashboard. Create a Per Surface Ink Estimation and press the Approve button.

Because Ink Estimation data can be populated in two different ways, it is important to note that Ink Estimates can be overwritten.

Confirm the Enable Auto Estimation checkbox is checked to have Ink Estimation data automatically populated in Ink Usage (Imposition) reports. Each time a surface is output, ink analytics data is uploaded to PRINERGY Portal: Ink Analytics. Therefore, if the correct Print Condition and quantities have been specified in PRINERGY Workshop, it may not be necessary to manually use Per Surface Ink Estimation.

If Ink Usage (Imposition) has been auto-populated by output from PRINERGY, and then you open and Approve any changes to Print Conditions or quantities in the Ink Estimator, the new manual estimation data will replace the existing PRINERGY auto-populated data.

Conversely, if you have used Ink Estimator to approve the estimate, but then run a new set of VPS or TIFF outputs from PRINERGY Workshop with a different Print Condition or quantities, the data from PRINERGY will automatically overwrite the existing manual estimate.

An alternate method to update the Ink Analytics data from PRINERGY Workshop without outputting the imposition again is to do the following:

  1. Change the Print Condition or quantity in PRINERGY Workshop
  2. Select the Output column in the separations Tab
  3. Right-click and choose Approve from the context menu.

The data will auto upload to PRINERGY Portal: Ink Analytics, without re-outputting the separations.

NOTE: When comparing Ink Estimations that have been generated on a Per Page against a Per Surface there will be differences. This is due to the nature of the process. Per Page estimations will often be rendered at a lower resolution and different screening. Per Surface (Imposition/Layout) estimations will consider a composition of pages (artworks), and structure associated with Press marks (color bars, etc.). The Actual Ink Usage feature takes into account the values associated with a Per Surface and will provide better estimations for Per Page estimation.

Prior to the use of this, be sure that you have reviewed the following components: