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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from space PRINSAG and version 9.0
Sv translation

Using this guide, you can upgrade your Kodak Prinergy Workflow software from version 7.5 or later to version 9.0.

If you are running a version of Prinergy earlier than 7.5, you must first upgrade to version 7.5 before upgrading to version 9.0.

For more information about prerequisites, and what the upgrade installs, see the Prinergy Workflow 9.0 Release Notes, also available on the Kodak services and support portal. If information differs between this document and the Release Notes, see the Release Notes for the most recent information.

If you need assistance before, during, or after the upgrade, contact a service representative in North America at +1.800.472.2727 or in Europe at +32.2.352.3090, or find your local support center on Partner Place at


If at any point during the upgrade, you see a pop-up message to “Retry” or “Cancel”, DO NOT Cancel. Leave the message up and contract your regional support organization.

Sv translation

本指南将指导您将 Kodak 印能捷工作流程软件从 7.5 版或更高版本升级到 9.0 版。

如果运行的是 7.5 以下版本的印能捷,必须在升级到 9.0 版之前先升级到 7.5 版。

有关先决条件以及升级安装项目的详细信息,请参阅 Kodak 服务和支持门户中提供的印能捷工作流程 9.0 发行说明。如果此文档和发行说明之间的信息有差异,请参阅发行说明获取最新信息。

如果您在升级前、升级中或升级后需要协助,请联系服务代表(北美:+1.800.472.2727,欧洲:+32.2.352.3090,Partner Place 本地支持中心:。
