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  1. Migrating to Preps 7.docx

    fields reset to default values after migration The defaults.ppd file that can contain custom content entries for data that corresponds to custom or variable text
  2. Setting trap geometry0

    around thin objects. Trap trimming automatically clips traps that might extend into the object receiving the trap. This results in a trap with variable thickness
  3. Multiple imposition sections on a press run

    shingling and marks, including press sheet sluglines ($sig variable) and collation marks. You can also renumber the sections and pages, including locked page
    Preps 9.0Aug 16, 2021
  4. Fold patterns

    sections as needed. To duplicate fold patterns for use in a variable sheet position, duplicate an existing section by holding the Option/Alt key and dragging
    Preps 9.0Aug 16, 2021
  5. Setting basic parameters

    the To parameter of the Email action to a specific e-mail address, type the address. If you are setting a variable value, click btn_Browse.png to open the Parameter
    Prinergy 9.0Apr 13, 2021
  6. Proofing resources for a certified process - User Guide

    variables that include the job name, media type, profiles used, and proofer name. The color bar and caption print with the proof. Signed profiles Any profile
    MPI 8.5Apr 05, 2021
  7. Setting the trap geometry option

    around thin objects. Trap trimming automatically clips traps that might extend into the object receiving the trap. This results in a trap with variable thickness
  8. Proofing resources for a certified process - User Guide

    variables that include the job name, media type, profiles used, and proofer name. The color bar and caption print with the proof. Signed profiles Any profile
    MPI 8.3Oct 05, 2020
  9. Proofing resources for a certified process - User Guide

    variables that include the job name, media type, profiles used, and proofer name. The color bar and caption print with the proof. Signed profiles Any profile
    MPI 8.4Aug 03, 2020
  10. Add a slugline to an output from imposition process template

    ), signature, side, and color of the individual plate. Variables that you enter inside $[…] will be replaced with the appropriate information each time this process
    Prinergy Evo TrainingJul 31, 2020