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  1. Activity 41: Adding a variable text slugline to output

    administrators working with Prinergy Evo systems licensed for the Output and TIFF Downloading options Why you should complete this activity A variable text slugline …  Imposition: Layout Options, and Output from PDF: Layout Options) Tell Me More about Variable Marks Time required to complete this activity 15-30 minutes
    Prinergy Evo TrainingJul 31, 2020
  2. Creating page and sheet mark files that include variable marks

    information For variable marks (such as $[color]), choose fonts that can be fully embedded so that the entire character set is available. Note: OpenType fonts are always subset, so they cannot be used for variable marks. Unfortunately, Illustrator software does not indicate which fonts are OpenType and which
    Evo 9.0Jun 07, 2022
  3. Variable data types

    The following data types for variables are supported at this time: Type Description Boolean A true or false value Date and Time A date and time representing an instant in time Double A 64-bit floating point number File A file or directory, along with an indication of exactly
    Prinergy 9.0Apr 13, 2021
  4. Creating page and sheet mark files that include variable marks

    information For variable marks (such as $[color]), choose fonts that can be fully embedded so that the entire character set is available. Note: OpenType fonts are always subset, so they cannot be used for variable marks. Unfortunately, Illustrator software does not indicate which fonts are OpenType and which
    Evo 8.2Mar 14, 2022
  5. Creating variables

    Before you can use variables, you must create them. Variables are created in the Manage Variables Editor. To open the Manage Variables Editor, in Rule Builder, from the Edit menu, select Manage Variables. If the rule set is new and was not saved yet, you are prompted to assign a name to the rule set and save
    Prinergy 9.5Aug 08, 2023
  6. Deleting variables

    Variables are deleted in the Manage Variables Editor. To open the Manage Variables Editor, in Rule Builder, from the Edit menu, select Manage Variables. In the Manage Variables Editor, perform the following steps. Select the appropriate tab for the type of variable that you want to delete. Select Global Variables
    Prinergy 9.5Aug 08, 2023
  7. text-mark variable

    Code words that you can build into text marks to automatically include specific types of information about the press run and job; can be combined with literal text when building a text mark Published by Scroll Versions from space PREPS and version 11
    Preps 11Dec 04, 2023
  8. Variables

    . The following topics explain the possible uses of variables and the available types, and prescribe the appropriate type for each use. Variablen ermöglichen das … Anwendungsmöglichkeit. 通过变量可实现规则集中的数据存储和以后检索。 变量的目的在于简化复杂规则集的实施和支持。 以下主题解释了变量的可能用途和可用类型,并介绍了每种用途的适当类型。 Las variables permiten el almacenamiento y posterior
    Prinergy 9.5Aug 08, 2023
  9. Types of variables

    There are three types of variables available: global, rule set, and temporary. Global variables Global variables exist at a global level and are accessible from all instances of all rule sets in the system. The most common use for global variables is to isolate external references that are needed across multiple
    Prinergy 9.5Aug 08, 2023
  10. About variables in destination folder paths

    When you create a Copy Files upload processing rule, you can include variables in the destination folder path. Variables allow you to provide a path to folders that do not yet exist, but that you or the system will create as part of your workflow. You can use any of the following variables: %CustomerName%: The name
    IPP 9.2Mar 28, 2024