Page tree

    Primary File

    The name of the input file

    #  Files

    The number of input files in the row


    The size of the file.
    The file size is listed in KB if the file is less than 1 MB, or in MB if the file is 1 MB or more.
    If it is not a PDF file, the value is N/A.


    The date and time that the file was last modified


    The date and time that the file was created


    The file type—for example, Layered PDF, PostScript or PDF


    The path to the file

    <process template>

    The name of the process template group that was used to process the file and the processing status.
    This column automatically appears in these panes:

      • Input Files pane when an input file is processed
      • Pages pane when a page is processed
      • Imposition Plans pane when a surface is processed

    This is known as a dynamic column. More than one dynamic column may appear if more than one process template is used.

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