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When necessary, you can use TIFF Assembler Plus to create a cut mask, keeping in mind that this mask may be less than precise. For more precise results, the cut mask should be created as part of the design and prepress process.

Create a mask using the Rectangular Marquee tool

To create a mask for a rectangular separation (without vector curves), the Rectangular Marquee is the best tool.

Create the custom mask separation

  1. In Preview mode, open the Lesson 9 folder custom_Black.tif file.
  2. Click the Rectangular Marquee tool.
  3. Draw a rectangle around the left column of the image.

  4. Zoom the top-left corner of the selected column, and adjust your view to suit.
  5. Click the Rectangular Marquee tool again.
  6. Zoom the bottom-right corner of the selected column, and adjust your view to suite—make sure that your view abuts the center column.
  7. Check the other two corners of the selected column, and adjust the image size if needed.
  8. Select Edit > Fill.

  9. Repeat steps 2 to 8 for the next two columns of images.

  10. Save the file:
    1. Select File > Save As.
    2. Locate the Lesson 9 folder, and use custom_Mask_sep.tif as the file name.
    3. Click Save.
  11. In TIFF Assembler Plus, close the image.

Apply the custom mask that you created

  1. Open the Lesson 8.cta file.
  2. Select Edit > Select > All.
  3. Right-click a separation, and select Apply external mask > with 0.0 margin.
  4. Locate the Lesson 9 folder and select the custom_Mask_sep.tif that you created.
  5. Click Apply.

View the results

  1. If desired, output and check the cut animation file.

Resolving a potential problem

The preceding example used three rectangles to create the mask. However, the gap between the columns of images might represent a problem.
When creating the three rectangles, you need to cover the gap, which means the mask isn't tight ("flush") to every corner.

To make the mask flush, you need at least five rectangles—one for each column of images and one for each gap area.

In this example that shows the top-left inner corner, notice the rectangle covering the gap area in the middle of the picture:

If desired, repeat this part of the lesson, creating five rectangles instead of three.

Create a mask using the Polygonal Marquee tool 

To create a mask for a non-rectangular separation (an irregular or curve shape), the Polygonal Marquee is the best tool.

Create the custom mask separation

  1. In Preview mode, open the Lesson 6 folder's Mask_Content.K.TIF file.
  2. Right-click the Rectangular Marquee tool, and select Polygonal Marquee.
  3. Zoom the upper-left corner of the separation.
  4. Reselect the Polygonal Marquee tool.
  5. Draw the mask shape:
    1. Click a starting point.
    2. Start placing points as desired—you can adjust the points later. The more points around a curved area, the smoother the cut will be.

    3. Continue around the separation until you return to the starting point.
    4. To close the polygonal shape, click the first point.

    5. If necessary, go back around the separation and adjust the points for the desired smoothness.

  6. Select Edit > Fill.

  7. Save the file:
    1. Select File > Save As.
    2. Locate the Lesson 9 folder, and use curved_Mask_sep.tif as the file name.
    3. Click Save.
  8. In TIFF Assembler Plus, close the image.

Apply the custom mask that you created

  1. Open the Lesson 6.cta file.
  2. Select Edit > Select > All.
  3. Right-click a separation, and select Apply external mask > with 0.0 margin.
  4. Locate the Lesson 9 folder and select the curved_Mask_sep.tif that you created.
  5. Click Apply.

View the results

  1. If desired, output and check the cut animation file.

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