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You need to create two screen instances and apply them to a refined PDF file.

Create a screen instance in DotShop composer

  1. From the Primary server, start DotShop Composer: Primary Server / Start Menu / Programs (x86) / Prinergy / DotShop Composer
  2. From the Edit menu, select Add to add a new screen instance.
  3. In the Add New Screen Instance dialog box:
    1. Name the screen instance XX60 Micron FM (where <XX> represents your initials).
    2. Change the Screen Type to Staccato.
    3. Select the Dot Shape of Staccato
    4. Leave Device Resolution at 2400.000x2400.000
    5. Change the "Features size" to 63.100.
  4. Leave other settings as the default. Click OK.
  5. From the Edit menu, select Add to create a second screen instance with the following settings:
    Name the screen instance. XX85 lpi Round (where XX represents your initials).
    • Screen TypeMaxtone CX
    • Screen System: Maxtone
    • Dot ShapeRound
    • Screen Ruling: leave as default (2400.000x2400.000)
    • Screen Ruling85 (type this in window)
    • Screen Angles: Edit Magenta to set angle to 165.0 (Cyan). Click OK.
    In the Screen Angles section: Click Add to enter a new color and screen angle. Enter: Spot1_33C73Y at 0.0° (Yellow). Click OK.
  6. In the Add New Screen Instance dialog box, click OK(Ignore the message about two colors having the same angle.)

Duplicate a screen instance in DotShop Composer

The following demonstrates how to create a new screen instance based on an existing screen instance.

  1. In DotShop Composer, select the screen instance named XX60MicronFM.
  2. Click Duplicate.
  3. Change the Feature Size to 20.000.
  4. Change the Screen Instance Name to XX20 Micron FM.
  5. Click OK.

Save the screen instance as a SIF file

  1. From the File menu in DotShop Composer, choose Save. Click Yes to overwrite the existing DotShop.SIF file.
  2. From the File menu, choose Exit to close the DotShop Composer.

Create a job

  1. If it is not already open, start Prinergy Workshop.
  2. In Job Finder, right-click your main group , and choose New Job.
  3. Type the job name XX_Use_DotShop (where <XX> represents your initials).
  4. Click Create
  5. Minimize the Job Manager window.

Copy an input file to the job folder and add input files to the job

  1. From your workstation, locate: Prinergy Activity Practice Files / Act_35_DotShop / Input File
  2. Restore Job Manager.
  3. Open the Input File folder. 
  4. Drag the DotShop.p1.pdf file to the Job Manager's Input Files area.
  5. In the Add Input Files dialog box that appears, under Options, click Select and select the 1stRef-Normz refine process template.
  6. Click OK.
    Your file is copied to the UserDefinedFolders folder.
  7. In the Start Process dialog box, click OK to start the Refine process.

Apply screen instances using Prinergy DotShop

  1. Open the DotShop.p1.p1.pdf file in Adobe Acrobat.
  2. In Acrobat, click the Prinergy DotShop button on the toolbar to start DotShop.
    • In Acrobat 8 or 9, you can also access DotShop by selecting Advanced > Kodak Tools > Prinergy DotShop.
    • In Acrobat X or Acrobat DC, select View > Tools > Kodak Tools > Open and then select the Prinergy DotShop icon from the Plug-In Kodak Tools section of the Tools panel.
    Note: If Prinergy DotShop can't locate the .sif file associated with the server you are working on, you will need to direct DotShop to the appropriate server. From the Acrobat menu, choose Preferences > Prinergy DotShop. In the License Server menu, select the correct server. Restart the DotShop plug-in for the server selection to take effect.
  3. When you open the DotShop plug-in, the DotShop Select object tool is available.
  4. Holding the Shift key, select the inside boxes (small boxes) of the first three boxes appearing in the 50% Patches line (black, cyan, magenta).
    Alternatively, you can draw a selection rectangle that just includes the three inner boxes, and only these inside boxes will be selected when you release the mouse – you must completely enclose an object in order to select it.
  5. In the Properties Editor, select XX85lpi Round from the Screen instance list.
  6. Click the Apply to All button.
  7. Holding the Shift key, or using a selection rectangle, select the inside boxes (small boxes) of the last three boxes appearing in the 50% Patches line (green, dark blue, peach).
  8. In the Properties Editor, select XX60MicronFM from the Screen instance list.
  9. Click the Apply to All button.
  10. Select both images called 4 COLOR IMAGE.
  11. Set the Screen Instance to XX85 lpi Round and click the Apply to All button.
  12. With the two images still selected, in the Separations list, select the Yellow separation and make sure it is the only one selected.
  13. Change the Screen Instance to XX60 Micron FM and click the Apply button.
  14. Save the PDF file and close Adobe Acrobat.

Proof the PDF file using Prinergy VPS

  1. In the Pages pane, right-click DotShop.p1.p1.pdf and choose the process template: Loose Page Output > Virtual Proof > Virtual Proof.LoosePage.
  2. In the Start Process dialog box, click the Edit Process Template button.
  3. Open the Render section. In the Resolution X and Y boxes, enter 2400 dpi.
  4. Open the Calibration & Screening section. In the Screening Mode area, select Honor DotShop settings from PDF.
    Note: The system will use screening information specified with the Prinergy DotShop software when available. If PDF pages are not modified with Prinergy DotShop, the screening information specified in the process template is used.
  5. In the Screening System menu, select Staccato. Click OK.
  6. In the Start Process dialog box, click OK.
  7. In the Pages pane, right-click DotShop.p1.p1.pdf and select Open VPS files.
  8. Proof the VPS image to see the differences between the two sets of 50% patches containing the varied DotShop Screen Instances.
  9. Zoom into the two 4 COLOR IMAGES and inspect the separations. The CMK channels should all show an AM halftone dot, but the Yellow channel should show an FM halftone pattern.
    Note: The outer portion of the patches use AM screening.
  10. At completion of the proofing process, quit Prinergy VPS.
  11. Close XX_Use_DotShop Job Manager.

Delete screen instances in Prinergy DotShop Composer

  1. From the Primary server, start DotShop Composer: Primary Server / Start Menu / Programs / Prinergy / DotShop Composer
  2. In the DotShop Composer window, select the screen instance XX60MicronFM and click the Delete button.
  3. Follow the same procedure for screen instances:
    • XX20 Micron FM
    • XX85lpiRound
  4. From the File menu, select Save. Click Yes to overwrite the .sif file.
  5. Close DotShop Composer.
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