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Why you should complete this activity

This activity introduces the automated batch-trapping feature built-in to every Prinergy system. Automated trapping will trap an entire file during the refine process to save time and effort.
This activity is important because it illustrates how to:

  • Set trap values
  • Trap an input file during the refine process
  • Use the PDF Trap Viewer

What you'll need

For this activity you need to locate:

  • Prinergy Activity Practice Files / Act_06_Auto Trapping

The instructor or coach will provide you with the location of the practice files.
Note: If you are completing this activity on your own or coaching others in your shop, copy the Prinergy Activity Practice Files folder (available on the Kodak Partner Place internet portal at directly to your workstation. For further information about these procedures, see Activity 1.

What you need to know

Prinergy includes the following trapping components:

PDF Trapper JTP

  • This trapping component is part of Prinergy Workshop. It lets you do automatic trapping as a part of the refining process, using the trapping parameters set in the refine process template. Additional automatic trapping options are available if the Advanced PDF Trapper is licensed.

PDF Trap Viewer

  • The PDF Trap Viewer is included with the purchase of Prinergy. It is a plug-in to Adobe Acrobat that lets you view traps created with the automatic trapper.

PDF Trap Editor

  • The PDF Trap Editor provides additional trapping components that can be purchased separately. The PDF Trap Editor is a plug-in to Adobe Acrobat that allows you to interactively create, change, and delete traps. The Advanced PDF Trap Editor plug-in is used primarily in packaging and includes special features such as setting trap geometry, making keepaway traps, and trap path editing.

Trapping using these tools has the following advantages:

  • Resolution independence is maintained
  • Prinergy can do spreads, chokes, and center traps
  • You can view traps in the PDF Trap Viewer plug-in
  • If you purchase a PDF Trap Editor plug-in, you can create and edit traps interactively

If you need to adjust any traps, you can do the following:

  • Retrap automatically with a different set of process template parameters
  • Use the PDF Trap Editor to retrap an entire page or change individual traps

Note: The PDF Trapper is object-based, so it traps object to object or object to image. An object-based trapper is also sometimes called a vector-based trapper. Other types of trappers include raster trappers and hybrid trappers. A raster trapper traps rasterized data. Hybrid trappers combine raster and vector-based trapping.

Process templates used:

  • Refine process template: Refine > Refine > 1st Ref-Normz
  • Refine process template: Refine > Refine > 1st Ref-Normz Trap
  • Loose page proof process template:Loose Page Output > VirtualProof > VirtualProof.LoosePage

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