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Obtain the following installation files:

  1. Create a folder that is accessible via a UNC path and copy the JobAndFiles.xsl and msxsl.exe files to this folder.
    For example, on the J: drive of the primary server, create a DSF folder as follows:

  2. Make sure that the folder can be accessed via a UNC path. For example:

  3. In Workshop, create a job named DSFBucketJob. This job will be used to host a hot folder that processes an XML file that will be extracted from the JDF file.
  4. From Workshop, open Rule Set Manager.
  5. In Rule Set Manager, from the File menu, select Import, browse to the DSF file, and import the rules into the newly created group.

  6. When prompted whether to import additional resources, select all applicable resources, and click OK.

    The imported rules are displayed as follows:
  7. Open the DSF Extracted XML rule.
  8. From the Edit menu, select Manage Variables.
  9. In the Manage Variables Editor dialog box, click the Rule Set Variables tab, and enter the following values for the variables:
    • DefaultEmailAddress—the address to which error emails will be sent
    • Invocations—the number of jobs created before a reminder email is sent out to the DefaultEmailAddress to remind the operator to clean up or delete jobs.
    • JobHomeServer—the name of the server that will be used in the Create Job action
    • JobHomeShare—the name of the share on the JobHomeServer server that will be used in the Create Job action
  10. Save the rule set. If the Save option is not available, make a change to the Rule Set (such as adding an action after the Email 3 action), then undo the changes, and then save the rule set.
  11. In the DSFBucketJob job, enable the DSF Extracted XML rule.
  12. In the DSFBucketJob job, create a hot folder attached to the DSF Extracted XML rule.

    The hot folder is created.
  13. Open the DSF Job Created rule.
  14. From the Edit menu, select Manage Variables.
  15. In the Manage Variables Editor dialog box, click the Rule Set Variables tab, and enter the following values for the variables:
    • BusinessLinkGroup—the group in Workshop in which Business Link creates its jobs
    • DefaultEmailAddress—the address to which error emails will be sent
    • JDFFilesLocation—the folder in which Business Link puts the JDF files. Typically the location is \\primary-name\JDFFiles
    • XMLdirectory—the UNC path of the hot folder created in the DSFBucketJob job
    • XSLconverter— the UNC path of the msxsl.exe file
    • XSLfile— the UNC path of the XSL file used to extract data from the JDF file
  16. Enable the DSF Job Created rule in the system context.
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