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The Kodak Product Registration and License Activation System (PLAS) is a tool that enables you to obtain Prinergy software license keys securely through the Internet.

Using PLAS, you can:

  • Retrieve a permanent license key for your existing Prinergy installation.
  • Obtain permanent license keys for new Prinergy options that you have purchased.
  • Obtain permanent license keys for Prinergy upgrades—for example, to upgrade from Prinergy 7.0 or 7.5 to 8.0.
  • Obtain temporary license keys to evaluate new Prinergy options and features at no charge.
  • View details about an existing Prinergy system that is installed at your site, including its licensed options.

Tip: You can also use PLAS to register, obtain license keys for, and view details about other Kodak software that is installed at your site—for example, Kodak Preps or Kodak InSite Prepress Portal software.

Logging on to PLAS

There are two ways in which you can access PLAS, depending on whether you are already a registered Partner Place portal user:

  • If you already have a Partner Place account, log on to Partner Place at, and select Self Support > Product Registration and License Activation System.
    If you do not have a Partner Place account, you can register as a Partner Place user at Once you have a Partner Place account, follow the above steps to access PLAS.
  • If you do not have or want to register for a Partner Place account, you can register as a PLAS user only. To do so, go directly to, click one of the available links, and then click Register for PLAS. This level of registration will enable you to use the PLAS tool but will not enable you to access the rest of Partner Place.
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