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When troubleshooting your Prinergy system or a workflow issue, consider the route outlined below when establishing your own escalation path:

Check troubleshooting items on the Kodak Partner Place Website

Partner Place is the Kodak Graphic Communications customer support Web site.
Use this self-supporting portal to obtain troubleshooting information from the Kodak Partner Place site. You must be a registered Partner Place user.

  1. In your Web browser, access Partner Place at
  2. In the main Partner Place window, in the Service & Support menu, select Search Knowledgebase Answers.
  3. In the Filter by Product pane, on the left, select Unified Workflow > Production Workflow > Prinergy.
  4. In the Search box, type words that are associated with information you want to locate, for example, Font Issues.

Check product documentation on the Kodak Partner Place website

While on the Partner Place website, check the existing or updated product documentation for information.

  • Use the Prinergy Quick Start Guide for basic information about prepress workflow procedures in Prinergy Workshop.
  • Use the Prinergy Workshop Help for detailed information regarding workflow procedures, dialog box selections, process template selections, and troubleshooting information in Prinergy Workshop or Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack.
  • Use the Prinergy Administrator Help and the Prinergy System Administration Guide for detailed information regarding your Prinergy System, including starting and stopping Prinergy, configuring and managing Prinergy, using the Prinergy Archiver system, backing up the Prinergy system, and generating Prinergy database reports.
  • Review other training and documentation available, according to the hardware or software you are examining.

Contact the Kodak Response Center

Contact the Kodak Response Center if you cannot locate the information that you need to troubleshoot your problem. The Response Center will record information regarding the problem you are experiencing and determine the best way to approach the problem.
This may mean that a Response Center specialist will remotely access your system, or that a field support specialist will visit your site.
Note: If you do not currently have a support contract with the product in question, there will a service charge. To reach the Response Center, call 1-800-472-2727.

Before calling the Response Center

To have your call move quickly and efficiently through the Response Center calling queue, have the following information ready:

  1. BP # (Site ID#). This is a number that has been assigned to you and can be located on the Sales Invoice generated by your sales representative.
  2. Contact name (who needs the support).
  3. Contact phone number.
  4. Product serial #/ID (for the product that has the problem).
  5. The nature of the issue (that is, a problem description).
  6. The severity of the issue. (Is your Prinergy system completely down? Do you just have a question?)
  7. When the problem started happening.
  8. Any situation that may have caused the issue or be related to it.

Last words

This overview covers the basics of Prinergy system administration. You will use some of the listed tasks regularly and others only as needed.
Be sure to take advantage of the start-up assistance (SUA) program that takes place after a Prinergy installation on your site. This will allow you to speak directly to a service representative to obtain valuable information about configuration and maintenance practices for your Prinergy system.
For details, see Prinergy Workflow System Version System Administration Guide.

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