Page tree

  1. In the 1-Up Artwork pane, select the PDF file Label_Grn.p1.pdf.
  2. From the Process menu, select Refine > Refine > 2ndRef-MapColors.
  3. In the Start Process dialog box, click OK.
    The Process Info palette appears displaying the status of the process.
  4. In the 1-Up Artwork pane, double-click the newly refined Label_Grn.p1.pdf, and preview it in Acrobat.
  5. To verify that the trim box is now embedded in the PDF file, select the Kodak Geometry Editor. Observe of the X and Y Trim Size coordinates again.
  6. From the Acrobat menu, select Quit Acrobat.
  7. Close Job Manager.
  • No labels