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  1. In Job Manager, add a preflight report column:
    Select the 1-Up Artwork view and the 1-Up Artwork pane.
    From the View menu, select as List, and then Visible Columns.
    In the Visible Columns dialog box, select Preflight Report. Click OK.
    To determine whether or not a PDF Preflight report has been generated for a PDF file, you must display the Preflight Report column in Job Manager.
  2. In the Input Files pane, select the CartonOrg.eps file, and the from the Process menu, select the Refine > XXRefine Group > XX_RefinePreflight process template.
  3. In the Start Process dialog box, click OK.
  4. Monitor processing in Process Viewer. Observe what information about preflight appears in the Item History for this process.
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