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Why you should complete this activity

This activity demonstrates how to manually step and repeat a nested label in Pandora. If a die doesn't exist for a job, you will need to manually set coordinates for how the artwork is to be presented on a substrate (press sheet). This activity highlights how to set the bleed on artwork, rotate artwork, group artwork, step and repeat the artwork, and re-start Pandora with a Job Ticket.


Operators or anyone who will use the Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack together with the Kodak Pandora packaging layout software regularly 

Time required

Approximately 10-15 minutes

Recommended reading

  • Pandora User Guide
  • Prinergy Powerpack Workflow 7.5 Workshop User Guide search key words: Working with Artwork Sets, Working with Layouts, Generating Proofs and Output, Generating Output Proof

What you'll need

For this activity you need to locate

  • Packaging Activity Source Files/Neck Label/OrangeNeckLblWDieline2.pdf

Activity specifications

If you are confident that you can complete the activity on your own, view the following naming conventions and required process template settings.

Naming conventions

  • Job name: XX_Nested_Label (where XX represents your initials)

Process templates

  • Refine: 1st Ref-Normz; 2ndRef-MapColors Trap
  • Virtual Proof: Virtual Proof.Imposed.600

Important: If using the translated Pandora software version in French, Spanish, or German, remember to use a comma (,) for fractional measurements instead of a period (.). For example, English = 456.7 French/Spanish/German = 456,7.

  • No labels