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Exporting jobs

You can transfer a job from one Prinergy system to another by exporting the job and then importing it into another system.

There are two types of exports:

  • Complete exports, which export the whole job. 
    For an export to be successful, the job must contain a refined 1-up artwork PDF file.
  • Incremental or partial exports, which export portions of a job.
    For an incremental export to be successful, the job must contain the refined 1-up artwork PDF file and a step-and-repeat layout.

The exported file has the same name as the job, plus a .zip file name extension— such as <jobname>.zip. If you export more than once, you can choose to either overwrite an existing export file name or create a new export file name if the job name is the same. 

All aspects of exports are controlled by an export process template.

Importing jobs

Importing is the process of creating a job based on a previously exported job. 

Someone must export a job or partial job before you can import it. 

When you import an exported job, Prinergy extracts the exported job file, and populates the new job with the content from the exported job. 

All aspects of imports are controlled by an import process template.

Use any of these methods to import jobs:

  • Import a job in Job Finder using the Import Job menu item.
  • Import a job while creating a new job.
  • Import a job using a hot folder.
  • Import a partial job using the Import Job (Incremental) menu item .
  • Import a partial job using a hot folder.

If the exported job has an Automated Page Assignment (APA) file, Prinergy looks for the APA file with the latest date and time, and then copies the information from it into a new APA file. The filename of the new APA includes a version number, such as Job.v1.apa, to indicate it is a different version than the original Job.apa file.

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