Page tree

What you need to know

Parameter mutual exclusivity

In some actions, typically output actions, some parameters can be marked as mutually exclusive and will appear with a light blue background shading. This means that at runtime, only one of those parameters can have a value. 
At rule set creation time, it is possible and valid to specify a value for each parameter if the rule set trigger event is a Manual Start event.

Assignment hints

The RBA rules engine examines the relationship between a resulting event and a newly connected action to determine if it is appropriate to provide any of the action parameters with a default value. This would be a value found somewhere in the rule chain before the insertion point of the new action. You may need to modify this default value.


The rule set has been configured so that if an XML file is dropped into the hot folder, RBA will read the XML and automatically create a job group and job, while monitoring the actions for any exceptions. It will then automatically add input files to the job, refine the input files, import an imposition, and perform automatic page assignment.

Next, you need to add a step that will automatically create the final output.

Follow these procedures:

  • No labels