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The following provides a strategy for introducing and using hands-on activities when conducting a coaching session.

  1. Introduce each activity with a description of the key concepts and tasks. Create diagrams to help illustrate these ideas if required.
  2. Briefly demonstrate the key elements in the activity. Focus on the realistic flow of the steps in the activity. Avoid demonstrating advanced steps that could initially confuse your students.
    Note: Advanced procedures and features should be introduced after your students have a strong grasp of the basic concepts and procedures in a Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack workflow.
  3. Direct your students to complete the activity procedures on their own. As they become more familiar with the product, encourage them to complete an activity without using the supplied procedures.
  4. Circulate among your students to answer questions and assist.
  5. Bring the group together and discuss the activity.
    Ask questions to check student's comprehension, and identify topics that might need further explanation. Clarify how the activity tasks will be used in their own environment. 
    Note: Discussions will help students better understand what they have learned and apply the information to their jobs.
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