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Why you should complete this activity

The purpose of template jobs is to reduce repetitive tasks and save you time. You set up a template job once, then base multiple new jobs on it. 


Operators, prepress managers, or anyone who will use the Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack regularly

Time required

Approximately 15-20 minutes

Recommended reading

  • Prinergy Powerpack Workflow 7.5 Workshop User Guide search key words: Managing Jobs and Pre-Jobs, Working with Layouts, User and Job Favorites, Select Template Job

What you'll need

For this activity you need to locate

  • Packaging Activity Source Files/Water Bottle/BottleLayout.pjtf
  • Packaging Activity Source Files/Water Bottle/ (it's the marks file for the .pjtf)
  • Packaging Activity Source Files/Water Bottle/WaterLabel.eps

For advanced users

If you are confident that you can complete the activity on your own, view the following naming conventions and required process template settings.

Naming conventions

  • Job name: XX_TemplateJob (where XX represents your initials)
  • Job name: XX_TemplateTest (where XX represents your initials)

Process templates

  • Refine process template: 1st Ref-Normz
  • Virtual proof: Virtual Proof.LoosePage; Virtual Proof.Imposed.600.

  • No labels