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In this task, you will edit an existing refine process to include the creation of a PDF preflight report.

  1. From the Tools menu, choose Process Template Editor.
  2. Open the Refine group, and locate 1stRef-Normz: Refine > Refine > 1stRef-Normz
  3. Right-click 1stRef-Normz, and select Open Process Template.
  4. From the File menu in the process template, select Save As.
  5. Name the process template <XX>_Refine_Template (where <XX> represents your initials).
  6. Click the Create Process Template button.
  7. In the <XX>_Refine_Template process template window, select the PDF Preflight check box.
  8. In the PDF Preflight pane, ensure that selections in the Preflight Handling section are set to Warn.

  9. From the File menu in the process template, select Save.
  10. Close the process template.
  11. Close Process Template Editor.
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