Page tree

  1. In Rule Set Manager, create a new rule set.
  2. In Rule Builder, from the Edit menu, select Manage Variables.
  3. When you are prompted to save the rule set, select Yes, and save the rule set as Report Page Approvals in your rule set group.
  4. In the Manage Variables Editor make sure that the Global Variables tab is selected. A global variable is used because the variable is going to be referenced from a second rule set in the next activity. If it was only going to be used only in this rule set, a rule set variable would be sufficient.
  5. Click the Add Variable button.
  6. In the Name column, type Page_Approval_Record_File.
  7. In the Data Type column, select File.
  8. In the Current Value column, type a fully qualified UNC path to a file called PageApprovalRecord.csv.
    For example, if the name of your Prinergy server is MyServer and you want to place the file in the Jobs folder on the J: drive, you need to type the following path:
    Note: The path must be typed in one line with no breaks.
  9. To save the changes and close the Manage Variables Editor, click OK.
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