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Note: PLA requires artwork and die files that can be accessed from a valid UNC path. Make sure that the activity files referenced are on a network volume.

  1. In Packaging Layout Automation Manager and the Status tab, click New.
    A Select a Layout Ticket dialog box opens.
  2. From the layout ticket list, select Demo. Click OK.
    A blank ticket opens.
  3. In the Job Name box, type: XX_PLA_Mark_Set (where XX is your initials).
  4. In the Layout Name box, type: Hawaii Labels Layout
  5. In the Artwork area, add the following artwork: Hawaii p1.pdf.
  6. In the Work Style menu, select Single Sided.
  7. In the Die area, add the following die: Hawaii.cf2 
    Then, click Auto Assign and continue to auto-assign Hawaii.p1.pdf to all empty positions of this layout.
  8. In the Smart Marks area, add the mark set XX_MarkSet (where XX is your initials) that you created.
  9. In the Substrate (Press Sheet) area, add the substrate named XX_SubstrateForSmartMarks (20.5 x 14 in).
  10. Click Validate.
  11. Click Send to Prinergy, if your layout passes validation.
  • No labels