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  1. In Rule Set Manager, create a new rule set.
  2. Add a generic exception handler for the rule set, by dragging Targeted events > Exception to the work space. Place this above the rules that are already in the rule set.
  3. Drag Prinergy Actions > Log to History to the resulting event.
  4. Double-click the red line separating the event and action.
  5. In the Severity field, select Error.

  6. In the Job field, browse for and select <XX>_RBA_Job.
  7. In the Message field, insert the properties Rule Name and Message to concatenate the rule name and exception error into one stored history message.

  8. Rename the Log to History action as Log Rule Set Exceptions to Job History to describe the purpose of the action more clearly. This rule will be triggered if any other action in the rule set causes an exception, and it will log the rule name and the exception message to job history.
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