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Connection to Kodak Print Console

On outputting to a plate-making/flexo device, Prinergy submits raster images directly to the Kodak Print Console software through GDAPI (Generic Device Application Programming Interface).

With a GDAPI connection, Prinergy can connect to Print Console and ask the device about the capabilities that the device supports—for example, resolution (2400 dpi).

GDAPI enables Prinergy to choose the options required for a print session or job using the output process template.

GDAPI makes new device capabilities visible to and configurable by Prinergy automatically.

Converting spots on output without Color Combiner

You may optionally use the Color Matcher JTP for convert-to-process and convert-to-grayscale operations for composite PDF files.

This is controlled in one of the following two ways: 

  • In the Final Output process template's Render section, clear the Always use Color Combiner to Convert Spots check box.
  • In the Separations view of Workshop, edit color separations by converting selected spots to process.

This functionality is possible for composite input files only. The Color Combiner is still required for separated input.

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