Page tree

In this task, you will learn to build the following rule set:

  1. In Rule Builder, on the Events tab, in the Prinergy Events > Page Events group, locate an Page Approval Changed event and drag it to the canvas.
  2. On the Flow tab, locate the Limit Concurrency action and drag it to the resulting action of the Page Approval Changed event.
  3. Double-click the Limit Concurrency action and edit the parameters as follows:
    1. For the Concurrent Limit parameter, in the Value column, type 1.
    2. For the Limiter Name parameter, in the Value column, type Page_Approval_Record_File.
    3. Click OK.
  4. On the Flow tab, locate the Split action and drag it to the OK event of the Limit Concurrency action.
  5. Double-click the Split action and edit the parameters as follows:
    1. For the Items parameter, in the Value column, from the list, select Previous Event (Page Approved) > Pages.
    2. For the Items Per Group parameter, in the Value column, type 1.
    3. For the Per Group Delay parameter, in the Value column, select 1 minute and click OK.
    4. Click OK.
  6. On the Actions tab, locate the Write Text To File action and drag it to the Each Split event of the Split action.
  7. Double-click the Write Text To File action and edit the parameters as follows:
    1. For the File to write to parameter, in the Value column, click the browse button and navigate to Global Variable folder. In the folder, select the Page_Approval_Record_File variable.
    2. For the Text parameter, in the Value column, type a string that contains the job name, page name, new approval state, event time, and user name all separated by commas.
      For example, the final parameter should look like:
      Note: The string must be typed in one single line with all the parameters separated by commas.
    3. For the Append parameter, in the Value column, in the list, select True.
    4. Click OK.
  8. On the Flow tab, locate the Next action and drag it to the Done event of the Write Text To File action.
  9. Double-click the Next action and edit the parameters as follows:
    1. For the Loop Start parameter, in the Value column, from the list, select Previous Event (Each item Group).
    2. For the Abort Loop parameter, in the Value column, in the list, select False.
    3. Click OK.
  10. Save and close the rule set.
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