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  1. Add an Input File Added trigger event to the rule set.
  2. Add a Refine Input File action to the resulting event.
  3. Configure the action to use 1st-Ref Normz as a process template.
    Note: Note that RBA uses Auto-Assignment to populate the Input Files parameter.
  4. Add a Perform Loose Page Output action to the Success + Warn generated event on the Refine Input Files action.
  5. Select Virtual Proof.Loose Page in the Process Template parameter.
    Note: Note that RBA Auto-Assignment has populated the Pages parameter. 
    Note: The RBA rules engine examines the relationship between a resulting event and the newly connected action to determine if it is appropriate to provide any of the action parameters with a default value. This would be a value found somewhere in the rule chain before the insertion point of the new action.
  6. Open the Process Template Overrides and configure the Number of Copies parameter to be: 1/0 (one divided by zero). This will force an exception when it is executed. Normally the integer parameter value validation logic does not allow a math expression that results in a division by zero so in the follow step you will convert the action to code which will disable this validation logic.

  7. Click Advanced: Convert to Code.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Right-click the Perform Loose Page Output action and select ! Show Exceptions. This makes it available on the >> resulting event of the action.
  11. Drag a Sent Email action to the >> resulting event of the Perform Loose Page Output action and attach it to ! > Exception.
  12. Configure the email action and include the rule name and message in the body parameter.
    Note: You can have multiple exception handlers in a rule set, for example, a generic one that will handle all action exceptions and specific ones (like the one you just created). This means that for any one exception, you can actually have two different workflows, in this case, one logging to history and the other sending an email.
  13. Save the rule set as <XX>_RBA_Debugger and enable it in <XX>_RBA_Job.
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