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  1. In Job Finder, select the Tools menu, and then Process Template Editor.
  2. Create a new process template group under Refine, and call it XX_Refine Group (where XX is your initials).
  3. Open the refine process template: Refine > Refine > 1stRefNormz.
  4. Save the process template under XX_Refine Group with a new name—XX_RefinePreflight (where XX is your initials). Click Create Process Template to complete this step.
  5. Select and expand PDF Preflight section of the new process template. Select the following options:
    In the Preflight Profile File list, select the newly created profile XX_PrinergyDefaults.prf.
    In the Preflight Handling list, select Ignore Warnings and Warn on Errors.
    In the Report area, select Always Create Report.
  6. In the Auto Report Generating section:
    Select Automatically generate PDF version of Preflight Report and Create One Report per Input File.
    Set your Preflight Report Location to %JOB%\System\PreflightReports
    Note: The %JOB% variable means that the system will place the preflight reports in the job folder. You may specify a specific location in the job folder by expanding the path.
  7. Save and close the process template.
  8. Close the Process Template Editor.
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