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  1. Start the CAD Correct software.
  2. From the File menu, select Open. Find and open the die file:
    The die is displayed in the active window and appears on the Station tab list.
  3. Change the Current Item to BOX DIE_1 (traditionally this will be Die_0 for most .cf2 files).
  4. Use Command + "+" (on the Mac) to zoom-in on the most lower left die station of the CAD file.
  5. Click the Line tab and click one of the angled sides of the bottom flap.
  6. Click Show Die. The Die is now highlighted in red.
  7. Click the Die tab and then click Extract Die.
  8. Use Command + "-" (on the Mac) to zoom-out and view all die stations.
    Note: All die stations have been identified but the overall identity of 1 station that was witnessed in Pandora still remains.
  9. Click the Station tab and select the topmost item that is likely named BOX DIE_1, 0.00000,0.00000, 0. Click Remove.
  10. From the CAD Correct menu, select Adjust Sheet Sizes.
  11. From the CAD Correct menu, select Clean CF2.
  12. From the File menu, select Save As.
  13. In the Choose File Location dialog box, name the file XX_Brighton.cf2 (where <XX> is your initials), and choose to place the file on your desktop. Select CF2 as the output file type. Click Save.
  14. Quit CAD Correct.
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