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  1. On your hard drive, locate the Pandora software. Open the Pandora application folder, and navigate to the Marks folder.
  2. Locate and open the User folder. Create a new XX_MarkSet2 folder (where XX is your initials).
  3. Locate and open the following folder: Packaging Activity Source Files > No Mess Label.
  4. Copy the following simple marks to your newly created XX_MarkSet2 folder:
    • BearerBarOneCross.pdf
    • Cross.pdf
    • DistortionRuler.pdf
  5. Create a Bearer bar SmartMark:
    Open the Marks Palette in Pandora and your mark folder
    Select and double-click the simple mark BearerBarOneCross.pdf
    In the Mark Settings dialog box, select Convert to SmartMark
    In the Placements section, click New and make the following selections for a left bearer bar:
    1. Anchored To - Step and Repeats
    2. Mark Anchor Point - Middle Right
    3. Vertical Position - Center with 0"/0 mm Offset (Type -Simple)
    4. Horizontal Position - Left with 0.25"/6.35 mm Offset (Type -Simple)
    Click New and make the following selections for a right bearer bar:
    1. Anchored To - Step and Repeats
    2. Mark Anchor Point - Middle left
    3. Vertical Position - Center with 0"/0 mm Offset (Type -Simple)
    4. Horizontal Position - Right with 0.25"/6.35 mm Offset (Type -Simple)
    5. Select Save As,and name your mark as XX_BearerBars (where XX is your initials).
    Save the SmartMark to your mark set folder XX_MarkSet2.
  6. Create a Cross SmartMark:
    Open the Marks Palette in Pandora and your mark folder
    Select and double-click the simple mark Cross.pdf
    In the Mark Settings dialog box, select Convert to SmartMark
    In the Placements section, click New and make the following selections for a cross mark on the top:
    1. Anchored To - Step and Repeats
    2. Mark Anchor Point - Bottom center
    3. Vertical Position - Top with -0.25"/-6.35 mm Offset (Type -Simple)
    4. Horizontal Position - Center with 0"/0 mm Offset (Type -Simple)
    Click New and make the following selections for a cross mark at the bottom:
    1. Anchored To - Step and Repeats
    2. Mark Anchor Point - Top center
    3. Vertical Position - Bottom with 0.25"/6.35 mm Offset (Type -Simple)
    4. Horizontal Position - Center with 0"/0 mm Offset (Type -Simple)
    Select Save As, and name your mark as XX_Crosses (where XX is your initials).
    Save the SmartMark to your mark set folder XX_MarkSet2.
  7. Create a Distortion ruler SmartMark:
    Open the Marks Palette in Pandora and your mark folder
    Select and double-click the simple mark DistortionRuler.pdf
    In the Mark Settings dialog box, select Convert to SmartMark
    In the Placements section, click New.
    Make the following selections:
    1. Anchored To - Step and Repeats
    2. Mark Rotation - 90 degree
    3. Mark Anchor Point - Middle center
    4. Vertical Position - Center with 0"/0 mm Offset (Type -Simple)
    5. Horizontal Position - Right with 1"/25.4 mm Offset (Type -Simple)
    6. Select Save As, and name your mark as XX_Distortion (where XX is your initials).
  8. Save the SmartMark to your mark set folder XX_MarkSet2.
    Note: The marks that you edit in Pandora need to be accessible to Packaging Layout Automation. Hence, system preferences of Layout Automation must be set up to get marks from the same folder where Pandora keeps its marks and this folder must be on the network, not on the local Mac computer. Steps: In Layout Automation, right-click Layout Automation Manager on the menu bar and select Preferences. On the Configuration tab, browse for the correct path in the Marks Folder box.
  9. Close all Windows.
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