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Before the EPM server can operate in failover mode as the primary server, the Prinergy JTP configuration must match the JTP configuration of the primary server.

The JTP and JTP pool configurations are not automatically replicated; they are kept independent on the primary and secondary servers. If you plan the JTP and JTP pool distribution ahead of time, you can quickly configure and verify your preferred distribution of JTPs when you switch to EPM failover mode.

When planning the JTP configuration, consider the following points:

  • JTPs must be redistributed on the EPM server after the first failover, while the system is in failover mode. The best approach is to perform a failover test and redistribute the JTPs during the test.
  • JTP redistribution only needs to be done once—the configuration is then retained through subsequent failovers. If you want to change the configuration later, you must manually make the changes on the EPM server during a failover.
  • Be sure to identify any JTPs that are only on the primary server—you must add and redistribute these on the EPM server so that they are available after failover.
  • You can reduce the need for updating JTPs on the EPM server to match the JTPs on the primary server by using JTP pools of the same names on both servers.
  • If there is enough JTP redundancy in the Prinergy system, you do not need to replace all the JTPs that were running on the primary server.
    For example, if two normalizer JTPs are active in the Prinergy system —one on the primary server and one on a secondary server—you might decide that it is acceptable to run in EPM failover mode with only one normalizer JTP on the secondary server.
    If both of these normalizer JTPs are needed, you must create a new instance of the normalizer JTP on one of the active Prinergy servers and enable any newly-created JTP in its pool. For more information about JTPs, see the Prinergy System Administration guide.
  • Printers used for proofing that are installed on the Prinergy server are not available in failover mode.
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