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Before checking and changing screens on a PDF page, you must refine, color-match, and (optionally) trap the PDF file in Prinergy.

  1. Use a composite Adobe PostScript or PDF file for the input file, since color-matching makes changes that can only be done to a composite file.
  2. Embed any fonts that are used in the input file, either while creating the PostScript output file in the source software, or in Prinergy during the refine process.
  3. Select CEPS Conversion in the refine process template. This allows the components of CT/LW files to be converted into a format that DotShop screening can be applied to.
  4. Set up the Color Matcher JTP in the refine process template to convert RGB colors to CMYK colors. Depending on your input file or design requirements, you may select:
    • Map All Spot Colors to Process (in the Spot Color Handling section)
    • Set Colors to Knockout (in the ColorConvert section)
      Note: Do not set colors to knockout when you will need double hits of spot colors.
    • Set Black to Overprint (in the ColorConvert section)

Once the PDF file is successfully set up and refined, you can check, change, and/or add screens in the refined PDF pages using DotShop.

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