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The first time that you click the PDF Trap Editor button, the software checks the primary servers on your network for a server that has the trapping license for PDF Trap Editor. Once PDF Trap Editor finds a primary server with a trapping license available for use, the server name is recorded in the PDF Trap Editor Preferences dialog box.

  1. In Acrobat:
      • In Mac OS, select Acrobat > Preferences > Kodak PDF Trap Editor.
      • In Windows, select Edit > Preferences > Kodak PDF Trap Editor.

    If you have more than one primary server running the floating license manager on your network, the server names are listed in License Server.

  2. In the License Server box, type the name or the IP address of the server that is licensed for PDF Trap Editor.
  3. Restart PDF Trap Editor for the new name to become the default license server.
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