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Converting the complicated outline of a raster bitmap to an equivalent vector outline for trapping can be time-consuming, and it can result in dense traps which distort the bitmap's original appearance. To avoid these problems, you can set PDF Trap Editor to automatically skip complex bitmaps that are likely to cause vector trapping and rendering problems.

Processing option


Trap All

Trap all bitmaps and masked images as vector objects.

Ignore Complex

Trap only those bitmaps that do not define a complicated shape of painted and unpainted regions, that is, bitmaps that take more than 30 seconds to process and/or that are high resolution. Tag any untrapped bitmaps and masked images as complex bitmaps.

Ignore All

Tag all bitmaps and masked images as complex bitmaps.

You will get a warning message if a complex bitmap is identified and skipped during trapping with either PDF Trap Editor or the Trap JTP.

See Also

Trapping images

  • No labels