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If PDF Merge encounters a problem during the initial merge process, one of the following messages may appear:

Error message

Possible causes

You have selected a file to be merged with itself, please select two unique files.

You have selected the same file twice. Change your selections so that two different files are selected.

PDF Merge has encountered an unexpected error while processing your documents: Pages have different media boxes.

The two PDF files that you have selected for merging do not have the same media size. PDF Merge can only merge documents of equal media size.
Select two files with the same media size.

PDF Merge failed to create a temporary file to store the output document.

The workstation may not have enough available memory to generate the temporary merge file, or available disk space may be low.
Free up some memory and/or disk space on the workstation and try the merge again.

An error occurred when opening the file: <file name>

The file specified in the error message may be corrupt, locked, or already in use. Alternatively, the selected file may not be a PDF file. PDF Merge can compare PDF to PDF only.

The selected input documents do not have the same number of pages.

The two PDF files that you have selected for merging do not have the same number of printed pages.
Select two files with the same number of printed pages.

PDF Merge could not successfully match the separated pages in the selected input documents.

If you are merging two separated PDF files, the separation order in one file may not match the separation order in the other file. If this is the case, PDF Merge will be unable to merge the two files.
Alternatively, one file may be a separated PDF file while the other is a composite PDF file. PDF Merge can only compare and merge separated with separated, or composite with composite.

PDF Merge has encountered an unexpected error while processing your documents: Failed to load the required CMap <file name> for CID font <font name>: Failed to locate CMAP <file name> on resource search path: Font Search Path

Some font resources may not have been properly installed or removed from the Adobe Acrobat folder, or permissions may have been set such that the required file cannot be read.
Install the required resource (as indicated by <file name> in the error message) or alter the permissions of the required file so that it can be read.

An internal error occurred while rendering or drawing the selection.

The workstation may not have enough available memory to generate the temporary merge file, or available disk space may be low.
Free up some memory and/or disk space on the workstation and try the merge again.

No licenses for PDF Merge are available.

There may be no PDF Merge licenses installed on any of your servers, License Manager may not be running on your primary server, or the network cable may be unplugged from the workstation or otherwise not working.

You are no longer licensed to use this plug-in.

The connection to the server may have been broken during the merge process.
Check that License Manager is running on your primary server and that the network cable is plugged into the workstation and working properly.

A Kodak PDF Trap Editor license is required to adjust traps and trap new borders but no licenses are available. Do you want to create the output document with the traps unchanged?

There may be no Kodak PDF Trap Editor licenses installed on any of your servers, License Manager may not be running on your primary server, or the network cable may be unplugged from the workstation or otherwise not working.

The file <file name> contains Heidelberg traps that may not be correct after merging. Do you want to continue?

The file contains traps created using the Heidelberg Trap Editor.
If you choose to continue, any Heidelberg trap objects in the file will be converted into regular objects and will no longer be seen as traps; you will be unable to edit them with the Heidelberg Trap Editor.

Both input files contain Heidelberg traps that may not be correct after merging. Do you want to continue?

The files contain traps created using the Heidelberg Trap Editor.
If you choose to continue, any Heidelberg trap objects in the files will be converted into regular objects and will no longer be seen as traps; you will be unable to edit them with the Heidelberg Trap Editor.

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