The options in this dialog box depend on which pane you selected before displaying the dialog box.
In the Pools Pane
Lists all of the media pools and disk volumes in your system. These include the media pools that appear in the Removable Storage Manager and any disk volumes that your Prinergy administrator has set up.
Number of Media
The number of media in the media pool—for example, a media pool may contain five tapes.
Media Type
The type of media in the media pool. Archiver supports the following media types:
- Disk (archive disk volumes)
In the Media Pane
The name of the physical medium. This name will be the same as the name of the medium in Removable Storage Manager or wiill be the name of the archive disk volume.
Where the medium is located.
The name of the media pool to which the medium belongs.
The type of media in the media pool. Archiver supports the following media types:
- AIT (Advanced Intelligent Tape) tapes
- LTO (Linear Tape-Open) tapes
- Disk (archive disk volumes)
The date that Archiver first wrote to the medium.
Last Modified
The date and time that Archiver last wrote to the medium.
Free Space
The estimated amount of unused space in the partition.
Used Space
The sum of all the archives on this medium. The used space is calculated based on the original size of the files on disk. The Used Space amount can be more than the Partition Capacity if the files have been compressed. This value does not account for the space consumed to format the data onto tape—that is, it will underestimate the amount of data actually on tape.
Partition Capacity
The total size of the partition (uncompressed or native).
Partition State
The logical state of the partition on the medium. Possible states are:
- Allocated
- Available
- Complete
- Import
- New
For more information about partition and media states, see the Prinergy System Administration Guide or the Removable Storage Manager guide.
Media State
The physical state of the medium. Possible states are:
- Idle
- In Use
- Loaded
- Mounted
- Waiting for an Operator Request
The format of the tape medium. This information comes directly from Removable Storage Manager. Formats include:
- Creo (MTF)
- Creo (Prinergy)
- RSM Free Label
- WindowsBackup (MTF)