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    Use the Tonal Control dialog box to apply custom calibration curves for a specific separation, surface, or job selected for plate output, or to make on-the-fly tonal adjustments to those curves.


    This list contains a list of each separation, in any surface of the job, that has been selected for output in the job. Select the separation that you want to work on.

    Curve Channel

    This list displays the ColorFlow curve channel that has been assigned for the selected separation. Use this list to select a different curve channel, if required.
    If you have a spot color that cannot use the default calibration curve (for example, metallics), you must apply a custom ColorFlow curve channel.

    Tonal Adjustments

    This section contains sliders that you can drag to make tonal adjustments to the selected curve channel. Alternatively, you can type the values in the boxes under the sliders.
    Note: The sliders may appear too short if your screen resolution is set low. If this occurs, increase your screen resolution.

    Midtone (50%)

    This control affects the full tonal range. The Quartertone, 3/4 Tone, Highlight and Shadow points are adjusted according to the values in the Midtone control.

    Quartertone (25%)

    This control affects the lower half of the tonal range. The Highlight point is adjusted according to the value in the Quartertone control.

    3/4 Tone (75%)

    This control affects the upper half of the tonal range. The Shadow point is adjusted according to the value in the 3/4 Tone control.

    Highlight (10%)

    This control affects the highlight tones only, and does not affect any other adjustment points.

    Shadow (90%)

    This control affects the shadow tones only, and does not affect any other adjustment points.

    Mindot (value%)

    A Mindot (value%) also appears if a curve has been defined as a flexo curve with a bump. The value displayed is whatever value was defined as the minimum X value, but typically this value is 0.4%


    This button restores the tonal adjustment values to 0.0 and the sliders to midpoint.

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