Page tree

Use the Simple Job Workflow sample rule set to create a chain of rule sets that automates many simple event/action activities in the workflow.
The Simple Job Workflow rule set is located at Rule Set Library > Rule Sets > Sample Rule Sets.

What the rule does
Sets up a series of triggers that start one or two simple actions in the Prinergy workflow. Each event/action rule operates in isolation.

Why it is useful
Automates routine, frequent, and simple activities in a job workflow.

Events and actions used




Job Status Changed


Perform Final Output

Page Rejected


Delete Page

Surface Full


Perform Imposition Output

Page Approved


Perform Loose Page Output

Input File Added


Refine Input File, Set Page Approval

Tip: In Rule Builder, you can search for a specific event or action by clicking anywhere on the EventsFlow, or Actions tabs, and typing the name.

Where to enable it
This rule is suitable for enabling either in specific jobs or across the system.


See also

Creating a basic rule set

  • No labels