Save PDF Files to Folder
Lets you navigate to the location to which you want to save the published PDF files.
Displays all volumes in the Prinergy system
Job Folder
Opens the job folder for the current job
Show Hidden Files
Select this check box to include hidden files, such as system files, in the results.
You can set the default selection of this check box on the View tab of the Workshop Preferences dialog box.
This list lets you specify whether the system downsamples the images in the selected PDF file or page set while publishing the PDF file.
Select Original for the system to use the images in the selected PDF files or page set as they are. In other words, the system doesn't downsample the images.
Select Low-resolution proof for the system to downsample the images in the selected PDF files or page set.
When downsampling images, the system uses the resolution specified in the Color & Grayscale Alternate Images section of the Optimize section of the refine process template.
Outline Fonts
Selecting this check box replaces all text objects with vector objects in the output.
Font outlining is useful for eliminating font formats that certain RIPs may not be able to process. Text formatted in this way cannot be edited, and when previewed in Adobe Acrobat will look bolder than the original due to loss of font hinting for low-resolution monitors.
Output to
This list lets you generate files in PDF, PDF/X-1a:2001, or PDF/X-3 format.
If you choose to output to PDF/X, the input files should previously have been refined to that format using a refine process template. At the output stage, files are only checked for PDF/X conformance; some PDF/X issues cannot be resolved at this stage.
Apply Geometry
Applies geometry settings to the published PDF output.
You can set the geometry for the page (offset, scale, rotate) in the Set Page Geometry dialog box before publishing the PDF file. If the Apply Geometry check box is selected, the geometry will be applied to the published PDF file.
Remove Traps
Removes any Prinergy-generated traps from the published PDF file.
Trapping-generated overprints remain in the PDF files.
Trim Media
Sets the media box equal to the trim box-for example, removes registration marks, and so on, outside of the trim box.
This is useful for PDF files that will be published to the Web.
Save Pages to Separate Files
Generates a PDF file for each PDF page you select.
Select this option to enable this feature.
Note: This feature is available only when you select PDF pages; it is unavailable when you select a page set.
Save to Multipage PDF File
Generates a single PDF file with multiple pages for the selected PDF pages or page set.
Select this option to enable this feature.
Note: This feature is automatically enabled and unavailable when you select a page set.
File name
This box displays the name the system will use for the published PDF files.
The file name must be 31 characters or less.
When you select a page set, the system uses the name of the page set, unless you change this name by typing a new name in the File name box.
When you select PDF pages and then select the Save Pages to Separate Files option, the system uses the name of each page. You can't change the names. However when you select PDF pages and then select the Save to Multi-Page PDF Files option, you can specify a name for the published PDF file by typing a name in the File name box.
Note: If the system generates a PDF file name from the page name, characters may be cut from the page name, so that the file name (page name plus .pdf
extension) is not more than 31 characters. Characters are cut from the left of the page name. For example, if the page name is Thisisareallyreallylongpagename, the system-generated PDF file name would be Thisisareallyreallylongpage.pdf
Create Preflight report
Generates a Preflight report for the selected PDF pages or page set.
The Preflight report will be located in same directory as you specified for the published PDF files.
Report name
Type a name for the Preflight report you are generating for the selected PDF pages or pageset.
Reader Order
This option is only available when you select a page set. It determines the page order for the published PDF file.
Select this option to publish the page set in reader order—that is, from the smallest page number to the largest page number.
Selected Order
This option is available only when you select a page set. It determines the page order for the published PDF file.
Select the Selected Order option to publish the page set in the order you currently have it sorted in Prinergy Workshop. In other words, the system orders the pages based on the order they currently appear on screen in the page set.
Include Empty Page Positions
Select this check box to include blank pages in the published PDF file. The blank pages represent unassigned page positions.
Clear this check box to omit blank pages from the PDF file. In this case, blank, unassigned page positions are omitted from the published PDF file.
This check box is available only when you select a page set.