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    Only use this procedure if you have Business Link software connected to the Prinergy system.

    1. In the Start Process dialog box, click Edit.
      Note: Edit is available only when you start a process from Job Manager, not from Job Finder.
    2. In the Manage Work Types dialog box, in the Category list, select Alteration ChargeableAlteration Non ChargeableRework Chargeable, or Rework Non Chargeable.
      (You cannot customize the Regular or Original Work categories.)
    3. Perform any of the following actions:


      Do This

      Add a new item to the category

        1. Click Add.
        2. In the Edit Work Type dialog box, type a Description and the First Name and Last Name of the person who has approved the addition of the item. 
        3. Click OK.

      Change an existing item in the category
        1. Select the item in the Items list, and click Modify.
        2. In the Edit Work Type dialog box, make your changes, and click OK
          Note: Some items cannot be modified.
      Remove an item from a category
        1. Select the item in the Items list, and click Delete.

      Tip: Use the Description box to provide more information about why a change is being made. This could include the reason for the alteration or rework and when and how the change request was made. For example, an operator might type "Customer sent new image" or "Based on customer e-mail March 23".

    4. Click Close.

    The changes you make affect the Work Type list in the Start Process dialog box.


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