Create a custom field for a job or a job element, such as a surface.
To create, modify, or delete a custom field, you must have a specific right in Prinergy Administrator. Otherwise, the Custom Fields Manager is in read-only mode, and its title displays the words "Read only."
- In Job Finder or Job Manager, from the Tools menu, select Custom Fields Manager.
- In the Custom Fields Manager, select one of the following options:
- If you want the field to describe an entire job, select Job.
- If you want the field to describe elements within each job, select the element. Options are: Page, Page Set, Page Position, Imposition Plan, Signature, Surface, or Separation.
- Click Add, and define the custom field's Name, Type, and Default Value. Then, click Add, and click Close.
- If you do not want the field to appear in Workshop, clear the check box next to the field in the Show in Workshop column.