Page tree

    This process template section defines how Prinergy handles copydot files during loose page output.
    When you enable the Copydot section, the system automatically converts copydot images for optimal quality on your output device during output.

    Only disable the Copydot section for one or more of the following reasons:

    • Your pages lack copydot images.
    • You are outputting at your target device resolution.
    • You don't need high-quality copydot images in your loose page output.


    Select a job ticket processor (JTP) to use for copydot files.
    Note: You set up JTPs using Prinergy Administrator.


    Enables resampling of copydot files to the resolution required by the output device. The availability of this option is controlled by the device you select in the Output To list at the top of the final output process template dialog box.
    Select the Resample check box to enable resampling of copydot files. Prinergy resamples copydot files to the resolution required by the output device you select in the Output To list at the top of the process template.
    Clear the Resample check box to disable resampling.
    Note: You can resample copydot images during another step in the process—refine, loose page output, or final output.


    Enables descreening of copydot files for contone output devices. The availability of this option is controlled by the device you select in the Output To list at the top of the process template. This option becomes available only for 8-bit final output devices.
    Select the Descreen check box to enable descreening.
    Clear the Descreen check box to disable descreening.


    Curve Source: allows you to choose either Harmony or ColorFlow calibration curves.

      • ColorFlow Approved Snapshot: choose ColorFlow curves from the Approved Snapshot
      • ColorFlow Current State: choose ColorFlow curves from the Current State
      • Harmony: choose curves from the Harmony database

    Print Curve: Choose the desired calibration curve from the selected Curve Source. Choose None to disable any curve application.

    Harmony Media: Select the desired Harmony media. Will only be active if Harmony is selected as the Curve Source. 

    • No labels