Digital Device Queue

Displays the name of the selected queue on the digital device.

Process Name

Displays information about the process you are submitting to the digital device. By default, information is displayed in the following format:
<digital device>:<print settings>:<number of pages being processed>

However, you can rename the process as desired.

User Comment

Use this box to type a comment associated with the process, if desired.
The comment appears in the Process Info dialog box for the process and is stored in the History view for the job.


For most digital devices, jobs are processed in the order that they are submitted. You can use this list to select the processing priority for some jobs. Possible priorities are:

  • Low
  • Normal (default)
  • High
  • Urgent

A process with a specific priority will be executed before processes with a lower priority, and after processes with a higher priority. For example, a process set to High will be executed before any processes set to Low or Normal, and after any processes set to Urgent. If multiple processes are submitted with the same priority, they are executed in the order in which they were submitted.

Add Digital Print Target to Job Favorites

Select this option to automatically add the selected digital device to the Job tab of the Process Templates pane for the job (if the digital device has not already been added).
By default this option is not selected. However, you can select Automatically Add Templates Used for Processing to Job Favorites in the Workshop Preferences dialog box to have the Add Digital Print Target to Job Favorites option selected by default whenever you initiate a process.
This option is available only if you start a process from Job Manager, not from the Job Finder.

Work Type

Use this list to indicate the type of work being done, so that your company can track and report on job costs and status. The names of the available work types have two parts-a category, followed by an item. The built-in work types are:

  • Regular or Original Work - System defined original work item
  • Alteration Chargeable - System defined chargeable alteration
  • Alteration Non-Chargeable - System defined non chargeable alteration
  • Rework Chargeable - System defined chargeable re-work item
  • Non chargeable re-work - System defined non chargeable re-work item

In addition to these work types, you can click Edit next to the Work Type list to add new work types. You can modify items or delete work types that you create, but you cannot modify or delete built-in work types.
Note: This option is available only if Business Link software is connected to your Prinergy system and if you start a process from Job Manager, not from the Job Finder.


Click this button to add and modify work items for a specific work category. Any items that you add appear under Work Type in the Start Process dialog box.
Note: This option is available only if Business Link software is connected to your Prinergy system and if you start a process from Job Manager, not from the Job Finder.

Items to Submit

This tab lists elements that are being submitted to the digital device.

Content Preparation

This tab enables you to select the settings that determine how the multi-page PDF file that you will submit to the digital device is going to be created.
If you are in the Pages view, and you submit one or more files from the Page Position pane or Page pane to a digital device listed in the Process Templates pane, the Loose Page Proof Template area is displayed on the Content Preparation tab. You can perform the following actions:

  • Click the Select button to choose a digital device from the Process Template dialog box.
  • Click the Edit button to change the settings.
  • Click the Color Mapping button to define color output options.
  • Click the Select Versions button to identify which versions you want to output.

If you are in the Pages view, and you submit a file from the Input File pane to a digital device, the Content Preparation tab is not displayed because you are submitting the actual input file directly to the digital device.
If you are in the Signature view or Separations view, and you submit one or more files from the Page Position pane to a digital device, the Loose Page Proof Template area is displayed on the Content Preparation tab and you can perform the actions described above.
If you submit an imposition plan, the Imposition Proof Template area is displayed on the Content Preparation tab. You can Select and Edit an imposition template, and use the Select Versions button, but the Color Mapping button is not displayed.

Note: If you are submitting a job that has JDF content, make sure that you have set up the correct JDF template for the digital device. See the Digital Print Installation and Configuration Guide.

Color Mappings

This button is only visible when you start a refine or loose page output process template. Click this button to change how colors will be output.
When refining pages this button opens the Color Mappings dialog box. The button does not appear when refining input files.
When generating loose page output this button opens the Color Output dialog box.

Select Versions

For jobs that have versioning, you can output all languages or select specific languages to output.

Print Settings

This tab allows you to select the print settings to determine how the PDF file is printed using the digital device.
In the JDF Template box, click the Select button to choose the JDF template to associate to the PDF file.
In the Print Settings area the Print Job Name is listed in which the PDF file resides. You can change the print job name if you want. In the Quantity box, select the number of copies that you want to print.
Note: If you are submitting a job that has JDF content, make sure that you have set up the correct JDF template for the digital device. See the Digital Print Installation and Configuration Guide.


This tab displays information about the type of digital device that you selected and it's current status.
Device status may be in any of the following states.

  • Available
  • Unavailable
  • Idle (waiting and ready)
  • Down
  • Status Unknown

Additional information about the device status may be displayed depending on the type of digital device.

Layered PDF Flattening Warning

When you process layered PDF files, a warning message appears to indicate that if the PDF 1.4-1.6 (Acrobat 5-7) option located on the Normalize section of the refine process template is set to Flatten to PDF 1.3, the refined files will be flattened and layers will be combined as indicated in the Layer Selection dialog box.
Layer handling happens before flattening, so that layers are handled as specified in the Layer Selection dialog box before flattening occurs. This allows you to omit certain layers before processing the page as PDF 1.3. As a general rule, for LPV jobs you do not want to flatten to PDF 1.3, which would destroy the layers of the incoming PDF 1.5 file. This would defeat the purpose of using layered input.

Note: If you use Rules-Based Automation to start a process, most options in the dialog box do not apply, so they are not displayed.

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