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    You can use the Custom Fields Manager dialog box to create custom fields for a job, or for elements in a job.
    Note: If this dialog box is in read-only mode, you do not have rights to work with custom fields. Contact your system administrator to give you rights using Prinergy Administrator.


    Select a job or job element to display and manage custom field information. Click  to expand or minimize the category list panel.


    Identifies the names of the custom fields for the element selected.
    You cannot edit this column. If you want to update the name of the custom field, you have to delete the custom filed and create a new one.

    Default Value

    Identifies the default value of the custom field.
    You can edit a default value for a custom field by selecting the default value column and updating the value. For example, if the Type for the default value is set to Date, you can select the default value column and click the triangle to display a calendar to select a new date.


    Identifies the data type for the custom field that is used to show information about the job or element selected. The options are as follows:
    Text: Use alphabetical characters only.
    Integer: Use whole numbers only.
    Decimal: Use numerical values only.
    Yes/No: Checkbox (selected=Yes)
    Date: Select a date from the calendar.
    You cannot edit this column. If you want to update the data type for the custom field, you have to delete the custom field and create a new one.

    Show in Workshop

    In Job Finder and Job Manager, this check box identifies if the custom fields for the job or element selected appear in the Visible Columns and Get Info dialog boxes. You can turn this value ON or OFF for the custom field by selecting or clearing the check box.


    Click the Create button to add a new custom field for the job or element selected.


    Select a custom field, and click Delete to remove it from the system. When a warning message appears, click Continue to confirm the deletion.

    XSLT for Link JDFs

    Import metadata from Link JDFs

    XSLT for Link JDFs

    You can create custom fields automatically if you use Business Link software and have a defined XSLT file.
    If you select this check box, the custom fields for the element you selected are automatically created and populated with information from an XSLT file that you selected.

    XSLT file

    Select the XSLT file that Prinergy uses to interpret the JDF file.

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