Page tree

    1. Open a new or existing loose page output process template: 
      1.  From the Tools menu, select Process Template Editor.
      2. In the Process Template Editor window, expand Loose Page Output and then expand the group that you want to use.
      3. Double-click a process template to edit it or right-click a process template and select New Process Template to create a new process template.
    2. In the Output To box, select the file type supported by the laser printer you will use to print page set booklets. For example, select EPS Raster.
    3. In the Render section, set the following options:
      1. In the Resolution X box, type the resolution of the laser printer you will use to print page set booklets.
      2. Clear the Do Separations check box.
        Note: If you select the Do Separations check box, you cannot select a duplexing option in the Layout section.
    4. In the Layout section, set the following options:
      1. In the Media area, in the Size box, select Cut sheet, and then set the Max Width and Max Height boxes to the paper size for the printer you will use.
      2. In the Duplexing box, select Turn or Tumble, whichever matches the print queue setting for the printer.
      3. Use the Front Shift Along WidthAlong HeightBack Shift Along Width, and Along Height options to compensate for any backup registration errors exhibited by your printer. For example, paper may change size as it goes through a laser printer.
      4. In the Placement area, beside Type, select Page Set Booklet.
      5. Beside Style, select 2 x 1.
      6. Set the Vertical Gutter Width box to 1 inch.
      7. In the Scaling area, set the Non-Printable Margin boxes to match the settings of the printer.
      8. If the pages are too big for the paper, select the Reduce to Fit Media check box.
      9. In the Spacing area, select the Reduce Gutters If Required check box, and then specify a minimum gutter size in the Min Vertical Gutter Width box.
    5. Set the options in the Marks section as desired.
    6. In the Device section, set the following options:
      1. Beside Output Type, select Absolute File or Printer.
      2. In the Device Path box, type the network path to the printer.
        When you specify a printer, some of the settings in this section are automatically updated to match that printer.
    7. Set other settings in the DeviceFile Format, and Processed File Options sections as required by your printer, or use the default settings.
    8. From the File menu, select Save As, and then name and save the process template.


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