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DCS vector output is separated; it uses the DCS file format standard and meets the PostScript Level 2 standard. It is intended to support iMPact and other workflows that require PostScript Level 2 input. Because it is vector-based, screening can be handled by the target workflow.
DCS vector output is different from DCS raster output, another Prinergy output format. DCS raster output contains already RIPed, screened bitmap data that can be used with any raster-based proofer. DCS vector output contains data that is not RIPed or screened; it is intended to be further processed in another workflow or RIP.

  1. Open a new or existing process template:
    1. From the Tools menu, select Process Template Editor.
    2. In the Process Template Editor window, expand Loose Page Output and then expand the group that you want to use.
    3. Double-click a process template to edit it or right-click a process template and select New Process Template to create a new process template.
  2. In the loose page output process template, from the Output To list, select DCS (Vector output).
  3. In the Render section, in the JTP list, select the JTP for DCS vector processing.
  4. In the File Format section, set the options as desired.
    The following options are specific to generating DCS vector files:
      • DCS File Format
      • Add TIFF Preview to DCS Master File
      • Render Shadings
      • Font Outlining
  5.  From the File menu, select Save As, and then name and save the process template.
  6. Start an output process on your PDF files, using this process template, to create DCS vector files.
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