This process template contains only one section, represented by the archive icon: 

Verify Archive

Enables the system to verify that what is written to the medium can be retrieved. To do this, the system archives the files, and then verifies the retrievability of the files by reading them and comparing them to the files that it archived. If the files differ, the system fails the archive process and places an error message in the History view of Job Manager. You should rearchive files when the system detects an error during the verification step.
We recommend that you enable the Verify Archive feature.
Note: When you enable this feature, the archive process takes twice as long because the system reads back all of the files that it archived to ensure that the files can be retrieved.

Fault Tolerance

Specifies whether the process will stop if a warning or error is encountered. Options are:

    • Continue on File Warning or Error—the process continues even if a file warning or error is encountered.
    • Continue on File Warning / Abort on first File Error—the process continues if a file warning is encountered, but stops if a file error is encountered. Files that have been archived/purged before the error remain archived/purged.
    • Abort on first File Warning or Error—the process stops if a file warning or error is encountered. Files that have been archived/purged before the warning or error remain archived/purged.

You can view warning and error details in the History view of Job Manager.

Archive Media Pools and Disk Volumes

Specifies the media pools or disk volumes that receive the archived job files. If you specify multiple media pools or disk volumes, each media pool or disk volume receives a copy of the archived files.
Select at least two media pools or disk volumes to create duplicate copies of your archives. With two copies, you have a backup in case a tape is lost or a tape or disk is damaged or destroyed.
Remember to create a purge process template with the same media pools or disk volumes as the archive process template. Before purging, Archiver checks that each file has been archived to each specified media pool or disk volume. If you do not specify all of the media pools or disk volumes, you may purge a job before making duplicate copies of the archive.

Available Pools and Disk Volumes

Lists the media pools and disk volumes available to archive job files. You add media pools or disk volumes from the Available Pools and Disk Volumes box to the Archive Media Pools and Disk Volumes box.
Note: For the Available Pools and Disk Volumes list to display media pools and disk volumes, the Archive/Retrieve JTP must be running. For information about JTPs, see the Prinergy System Administration Guide.


In the Available Pools and Disk Volumes list, select the media pools or disk volumes to which you want to archive and then click Add to move the selected pools or disk volumes to the Archive Media Pools and Disk Volumes list.


Removes selected media pools or disk volumes from the Archive Media Pools and Disk Volumes list.


Resets the list of media pools and disk volumes in the Archive Media Pools and Disk Volumes box to the list that you last saved.

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