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    The refine process handles overprints and knockouts two ways:

    • Manually
    • Automatically

    You use the manual feature by setting options (Set Colors to Knockout, Set Black to Overprint, Set Rich Black to Overprint, Set Overprint CMYK White to Knockout, Enable Gray Overprint) in the ColorConvert section of the refine process template.
    Regardless of whether or not you select the manual overprint conversion settings, the system performs some automatic overprint and knockout conversions. This section describes how the system automatically handles the following overprint and knockout conversions:

    • Die line overprint: The system overprints all objects in the Prinergy color database that are designated as die lines.
    • Transparent overprint: The system overprints all objects in the Prinergy color database that are designated as transparent. This feature resolves a QuarkXPress issue with varnishes.
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