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    Prepress Portal software is a web portal that lets printers and their customers work with print jobs over the Internet. Prepress Portal helps manage reviews and approvals of each page in a job.
    You make jobs available for customers to review by setting AutoProcess rules in Prepress Portal, creating the job in Prepress Portal and uploading files to it. The processed pages are immediately available to the customer for review and approval, and an e-mail notification goes to the customer.
    Important: You can make a job available to Prepress Portal customers by web-enabling it in Workshop (see Enabling Web Access), but the customer will not receive automatic e-mail notification. You must find another way to contact them.

    Customers can use Prepress Portal to:

    Both you and your customers automatically receive e-mail messages when actions take place, such as when you request a review. These e-mail messages are configured in Prepress Portal.

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